Grow-1 Tab


This Tablet is a plant growth nourishment tonic which contains growth promoter and biostimulant i.e. Auxin, Cytokinin, Giberlins and other growth booster for crop development and yield.




  • Seaweed extracts
  • Hormones and growth boosters
  • Amino acids and proprietary ingredients


  • Cytokinins and Auxins contents increases cell division and elongation.
  • Stimulates the growth and activity of selective micro-organisms.
  • It energizes the plant metabolism.
  • Helps in quick and efficient use of translocated material.
  • In drought conditions, it helps minimizes 1-2 irrigation.

Dosage & Application:

Foliar Spray: Dissolve 1tablet/ 2-3 liter and thoroughly spray until foliage is completely covered. Repeat spray at 15 days intervals or as per crop needs. Consult crop advisor for help.

Crops: Suitable for application on Pulses, Millets, Fibre crops, Cereals, Oilseeds, Forage crops, Sugar crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops, Orchards, aromatic crops, Ornamentals

Shelf Life: Grow-1 Tablets are stable for a period of 3 yrs from the date of manufacturing.


  • Grow-1 tab is compatible with all pesticides and insecticides (Agrochemicals).
  • Safe with other INM and IPM inputs.


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