
  1. Chlororpyriphos 5% DP (dustable Poder)

DhoomKetu is a broad-spectrum organophosphate insecticide and miticide with systemic and contact.



Dhoomketu is an agricultural and domestic insecticide for control of a wide range of soil and foliar crop and domestic insect pests like cutworms, grubs, caterpillars, beetles, banana weevils, attendant ants, root mealy bugs, soldier ants and worms.

Pack size: 25kg (bulk packing UN certified bag)

Category: Insecticide

  • Technical Name :Chlororpyriphos
  • Formulation : Chlororpyriphos 5% DP
  • Compatibility : Compatible with most insecticides, fungicides.
  • Mode of Action : Systemic insecticide with contact and stomach poison.
  • Activity Spectrum : cutworms, grubs, caterpillars, beetles, banana weevils, attendant ants, root mealy bugs, soldier ants and worms
  • Application:Sprinkle DhoomKetu evenly at the infested site. Repeat application as necessary.


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