

LamdaRe is a synthetic pyrethroid and acaricide.  It is used to control pests like aphids and butterfly larvae. It is applied to crops such as cotton and ornamentals. LamdaRe can also be used for structural pest management or in public health applications to control insects such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, ticks, and flies, which can act as disease vectors.

Pack size: 100ml to 1litre, Bulk Pack 20litre, and 200litre drums.



  • Technical Name : Lambda cyhalothrin
  • Formulation: 5 % EC
  • Compatibility: Compatible with most insecticides, and fungicides.
  • Mode of Action: Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action, repellent properties. It gives rapid knockdown and a long residual effect. Sodium channel modulators.
  • Activity Spectrum: Effective for control of pests like bollworms, Jassids, Thrips, Leaf folder, stem borer, GLH, gall midge, hispa, fruit borer, fruit and shoot borer.

Product Features:-

  • It has contact and stomach action with a quick knockdown effect gives rapid and effective control.
  • It has Anti feeding and repellent property.
  • It has long-term residual activity and gives protection for a long period.
  • Safe for the environment.

Approved Recommendations:-

Crop Pest Application dose/acre
Cotton Bollworms Jassids, Thrips 300 – 500 ml
Rice Leaf folder, stem Borer, GLH, Gall Midge, Hispa, Thrips 200 – 250 ml
Brinjal Shoot & fruit borer 300 ml
Tomato Fruit borer 300 ml
Chilli Thrips , mite, Pod borer 300 ml
Onion Thrips 300 ml


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